Monday, August 22, 2022

The Eternal Quest for Comfort

     It seems to me that the entirety of human civilization has been spent in search of comfort. Biologically we have built in desire to avoid uncomfortable feelings. (Too hungry? I've got to eat something. Too close to the fire? Better back up quickly.) Ever since man has evolved past the point of subsistence farming and hunting and gathering, we've spent our efforts on technologies that make our lives more comfortable.

    Because, if we are really being honest about it, it is frequently uncomfortable being human. I am at the very beginning of what most consider 'middle age' and though I'm still young, I have started to notice the random soreness and stiff joints that come with an aging human body.

Ryan Reynolds is 45. I pray I look half that good in seven years.

    My personal definition of comfort is 'the least amount of pain I can manage to feel in this meat sack I'm forced to exist in'. So often times preferred activity is to just sit in my ridiculously massive and comfy  armchair and play video games. So it is safe to say that I've experienced more comfort than most, to the point its starting to be really harmful.

        I've become so sedentary that my body is malfunctioning out of pure sloth. For example, last year I was diagnosed with gout (you would not believe how much one single toe can hurt) and it is massively uncomfortable to live with. (I want to say that it was right here during the writing of this entry that I saved my work and went for a two mile walk)

    In this aging, ever expanding meat sack, I have reached the point were I now need to change my lifestyle to stay in that sweet comfort zone. (really I reached that point years ago) It takes a lot of willpower and self-discipline to entirely change every habit you have. Two areas I am sad to say I am lacking in.

Save room for dessert. Also, there will be no dessert.

    I can at least say I've been working on it. I have tried many times, many different diets. But it's a lethal (and I mean that literally,  this is slowly killing me) combination, being addicted to fast food and video games at the same time. 

More work to be done. In other news, it's almost back to school time, and I've never been looking forward to my kids being gone this much. Hopefully once I'm back on a regular routine I'll be writing more often.

Until then, eat healthy, and I'll try to also.


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